
November 2013 -- Belgium

For a long weekend, I nipped off to the Lowlands. I flew with RyanAir into Charleroi, which is quite far from Brussels. Brussels is a great international city and, if a little grimy, a fun place to explore. The Belgian countryside, however, is gorgeous.

I took a day-trip to Bruges, a medieval town with beautiful buildings and a surfeit of tourists. Neither is particularly my interest, but I'm happy to explore anywhere with an open plan and something to climb. The picture below is from the clock tower. You can see the town's two major churches as well as the omnipresent fog.

Before flying home, I spent a night in Luxembourg. I found the city to be relaxed and opulent in equal measure. I'm sure there is some measure of bohemian life in the micro-country, but I didn't come across any. Perhaps next time.